Understanding Sequencing for Notification and Investigation Messages

Use the Condition-Based Maintenance Message Sequences program to define the search sequences that the system uses to select the message rule that determines the alert message recipients. The hierarchy determines the order in which the system searches for message recipients.

You can use a processing option to specify whether to enter message sequences for a notification process or for an investigation process. Notification messages warn or alert managers (such as production, shipping, and plant supervisors) of a problem. Investigation messages request that a plant technician investigate the problem and report findings back to the message originator.

Observe these guidelines:

  • Set up the hierarchy from specific to general.

  • For performance reasons, set up only the necessary message sequences.

  • The workflow process CBMNOTIFY supports sending a notification message to an individual recipient or a distribution list.

  • The workflow process CBMINVEST supports sending an investigation message to an individual recipient or a distribution list.