Equipment Search Filters

After you set up a group or subgroup for the equipment cost analysis, including the analysis type that links the cost analysis to the rules that were set up in the Equipment Cost Analysis Rules program (P13803), you can use the filter fields that are provided on the Define Group/Subgroup form to specify the equipment to include in the cost analysis.

Depending on whether you are working with assets or with equipment, the filter fields are based on the Asset Master File table (F1201) or the Asset Master File table together with the Equipment Master Extension table (F1217) table. The F1217 table contains additional fields, such as Product Model and Product Family, as well as additional category codes.

Note: To make the equipment search more efficient, we recommend that you use category codes when setting up equipment. Category codes provide additional search criteria for the selection of equipment to include in the cost analysis.

When you save the search, this step saves the equipment group or subgroup definition, the equipment filters that you defined, and the equipment that is returned by the search to the tables that calculate and display the asset costs.

The filter selection that you apply to the equipment tables is stored in the Equipment Analysis Filters table when you save the group definition. The equipment that you retrieve by applying the equipment filters is stored in the Equipment Analysis Listing table.