Setting Up Inquiry Columns

Access the Define Inquiry Columns form.

Column Name

Enter the code that identifies a column. A column represents a performance factor, such as the average unit cost for an item and the last cost that you paid for an item. For example, you can review performance factors to compare suppliers' costs and services for a certain item.

Column Heading 1

Specify the first line in the heading that describes the column on the Equipment Cost Analysis form. The system automatically centers this line for the column.


Enter a calculation to determine an amount or quantity for this column. You can use a single predefined value or multiple predefined values in conjunction with mathematical operators to enter a formula. Valid mathematical operators are:

+ Add.


× Multiply.

÷ Divide.

( ) Left and right parentheses for nesting.

For example, you can enter this formula to calculate on-time percentages:

20 ÷ (20 + 21 + 22)

The preceding formula equals on-time percentages because:

  • 20 is the value for on-time amounts.

  • 21 is the value for early amounts.

  • 22 is the value for late amounts.


Enter the factor by which the amounts or unit quantities in a column are multiplied.

The result of the calculation in the Formula field is multiplied by this factor before the system displays it on the Equipment Cost Analysis form.

For example, to scale down extremely large numbers to thousands, enter .001. To display percentages as whole numbers, enter 100.

Use a multiplier of 1 for equipment statistics, such as hours, miles or fuel, to provide a positive value.