Understanding Equipment Cost Analysis Rules

To define how the system calculates costs that are included in an equipment cost analysis, you set up equipment cost analysis rules. Equipment cost analysis rules define which accounts are included in the cost analysis that is based on an analysis type code. The rules also determine the relationship between each account and the cost classification code establishes the defined inquiry columns on the Equipment Cost Analysis program (P13801). Equipment cost analysis rules have two primary functions to support equipment cost analysis:

  • Filter equipment costs.

  • Define the cost classification code.

Analysis type codes are required for defining the equipment groups and subgroups for the equipment analysis. Analysis type codes are user-defined codes (UDCs) that you set up in UDC 13/CT (Analysis Type Code). The system uses the analysis type code to search for equipment cost analysis rules. The search is performed first for the account company and then for the default company 0000, using this sequence:

  • Company, ledger type, business unit, object account, subsidiary.

  • Company, ledger type, object account, subsidiary.

  • Company, ledger type, object account.

If the search does not retrieve a match for the account company or the default company, no analysis rule exists; and the account is not included in the cost analysis.

If an equipment cost analysis rule is found, the system returns the cost classification code for the rule and records it in the Equipment Analysis Costs table for each account. The cost classification code is set up in UDC 13/CC (Cost Classification). Use this code when you define the inquiry columns that display the cost information on the Equipment Cost Detail form.

The system stores equipment cost analysis rules in the Equipment Analysis Rules table (F1385).