Understanding Equipment Cost Analysis Setup

To perform equipment cost analysis, you have to complete some setup tasks. In addition to setting up equipment and assets, you must:

  • Define equipment groups and subgroups.

  • Define equipment filters.

  • Set up analysis type and cost classification user-defined codes.

  • Set up equipment cost analysis rules.

  • Define inquiry columns for viewing equipment cost detail.

You define the equipment groups and subgroups that you want to analyze and then associate each subgroup with the equipment and date range that you want to include in the analysis. Each group and subgroup that you set up is associated with an analysis type code. Based on the analysis type, you define equipment cost analysis rules that define which accounts to include in the equipment cost analysis. The cost classification code on the rule is associated with each account that is selected and used when defining the inquiry columns. Finally, you define inquiry columns to indicate what types of costs that you want to compare and analyze (for example, labor and material costs, or budget and actual numbers).