Understanding Scope Definition

Before you perform equipment cost analysis, you uniquely identify a cost analysis by defining groups and subgroups of assets or equipment for which you want to analyze costs. For example, an equipment grouping could, consist of a process within a production facility for which you want to determine the total cost. Equipment types could be all pumps, motors, and so on, with similar characteristics within a facility that you want to analyze. A group can contain multiple subgroups so that comparisons can be made that are based on different equipment filters and date ranges.

Building an equipment cost analysis requires these steps:

  • Define groups and subgroups.

  • Define equipment filter criteria.

  • Determine whether to include equipment components.

  • Retrieve the equipment that matches the filter criteria.

After you have performed all of these steps, you can use the Save Search function to save the group and subgroup definition, the equipment filters, and the equipment that you retrieved, based on the filter setup. The system saves the equipment cost analysis definition to these tables and uses the definition to calculate and display equipment costs:

  • Equipment Analysis Groups table (F1380).

  • Equipment Analysis Filters table (F1381).

  • Equipment Analysis Listing table (F1382).

    Note: You cannot use the Save Search function until the group or subgroup is defined, the equipment filters have been set up, and you have retrieved at least one piece of equipment that matches the equipment filters.

If you change the group or subgroup definition or the equipment filters, and save the new information, the system deletes the cost for this cost analysis from the Equipment Analysis Cost table (F1383) since it no longer reflects the group definition and associated equipment listing.