Action Details

Each action has associated information specific to the action. You define action details when you set up an action. You can also access Action Details from the Row menu of the Action Definitions form. An action can have several detail lines. You can associate actions to business units in the Action Details form, or you can choose not to specify business units. When you enter rental contracts, you can apply all actions that are set up without business units, to all companies and business units.

The Action Details form enables you to associate various dates, such as, the contract start date, requested delivery date, etc, from the rental contract to the related orders. You use the 54R/DU UDC table to associate the dates in the Rental Contract form to the Action Details form. After you successfully enter a rental contract in the system, you generate related orders for the rental contract. When you generate related orders, the system updates the related orders date fields with the dates from the Rental Contract form.

The system saves action details in the Action Details table (F54R021).