Canceling Rental Contracts

When you cancel a rental contract detail line that has related orders, the system first cancels the related orders, and then cancels the contract. The system performs validations and processes to cancel the related orders. For example, the system checks if the related sales orders are at a status that is less than the status specified in the Status Code Limit for Changes processing option for the Sales Order Entry program (P4210). If the status of the sales orders is beyond the status specified in the processing option, you cannot cancel the detail line. After the sales orders are validated for cancellation, they are moved to the canceled status.

When validations for canceling related work orders are successful, the system moves the status of the work orders to the status that you have specified in the Status After Contract Line Cancel processing option of the Work Order Revisions program (P17714). After the work orders are assigned this status, the system locks the work orders if you have specified the lock option for the status in the Lock Flag field of the Work Order Activity Rules program (P4826).


You can cancel the detail line only when the system does not find any error in the cancellation of all the related orders associated with the rental contract.