
Line Type

Enter a code that you use to group actions. You use this code in the Rental Contract Entry program (P54R10) to apply actions to the rental contract. Line types control how the system integrates with core JD Edwards EnterpriseOne systems (through sales orders, purchase order, and service orders) by linking actions with business units. The system validates the code that you enter against the values in the Line Type Search program (P4203).

Business Unit

Enter an alphanumeric code that identifies the rental center that the system uses for tracking and reporting purpose. For example, the system provides reports of open accounts payable and accounts receivable by business unit to track assets by responsible department.

Billing Method

Enter a value from the 54R/BM UDC table that indicates the billing method to use for items. Values are:

1: Recurring contract billing with price from the Item Master. Used typically for rental items.

2: One-off contract billing with price from the Item Master. Used typically for sale items.

3: One-off sales order billing. If you choose this method, the system does not bill the item through the Rental Contract Billing Generation program (R54R300). You must bill the item through the sales order system.

Address Number

Enter the address number of the customer the asset is rented to, or the address number associated with the location to which you ship the asset that is rented out.

After you enter a value in this field, you must select either the Customer or the Ship To option to specify whether the address number is for the customer who is associated with the rental contract, or the address number of the location where the asset is shipped.


Select this option to indicate that the address number that you enter in the Address Number field is the address number of the customer that the asset is rented to.

Ship To

Select this option to indicate that the address number that you enter in the Address Number field is the address number associated with the location where you ship the asset that is rented out.

You can save the line type header information before you enter the detail information.