Information in the End of Period Unrecognized Revenue Report (R54R402)

The End of Period Unrecognized Revenue report contains the following information:

  • Rental contract details, such as the rental contract number, rental contract type, company, line number, item number, and serial number from the Rental Contract Detail table (F54R11)

  • The last invoice date, which is the billing end date (in the F54R11 table) that the system populates after you run the Rental Contract Billing Workfile Generation program (R54R300) in final mode

    The system prints records that have billing method 2 (one-off contract billing) only if the last invoice date is blank. When the last invoice date is blank, it means that the rental contract has not been billed.

  • The bill-from date, which is the last invoice date, or the period begin date, whichever is later

    The system calculates the period-begin date for the company from the Date Fiscal Patterns table (F0008).

    If the system has not populated the last invoice date, then the bill-from date is the billing start date from the F54R11 table or the period begin date, whichever is later.

  • The bill-to date, which is the billing end date from the F54R11 table, or the period end date, whichever is earlier

    The system calculates the period end date for the company from the Date Fiscal Patterns table (F0008).

    If the duration of the rental contract is equal to or less than the minimum rental period specified in the Rental Constants table (F54R01), the system calculates the contract end date by adding the minimum rental period to the rental contract start date (from the F54R11 table). If the minimum rental period end date is earlier than the billing end date (from the F54R11 table) or the period end date (from the F0008 table), the system uses the minimum rental period end date instead.

  • The billing method, which is 1 (recurring contract billing) or 2 (one-off contract billing)

  • The rental billing unit of measure (Rent UM) from the F54R11 table, which the system uses to get the price for billing method 1 (recurring contract billing)

  • The pricing unit of measure from the F54R11 table, which the system uses to get the price for billing method 2 (one-off contract billing)

  • Quantity from the Quantity Open field in the Rental Contract Entry program (P54R10), when the billing method is 1 (recurring contract billing)

    When the billing method is 2, the quantity is retrieved from the Quantity field in the Rental Contract Entry program.

  • The billing duration that the system calculates based on the rental billing unit of measure for billing method 1 (recurring contract billing)

    The system does not populate the billing duration for billing method 2 (one-off contract billing).

  • The rental rate, which is the unit price (in transaction currency) from the F54R11 table

    For a variable exchange rate, the rental rate depends on the value in the Exchange Rate Date Basis processing option for the R54R402 program.

  • The rental currency, which is the transaction currency in the F54R10 table

  • The unrecognized revenue, which is calculated using the formula:

    Unrecognized Revenue = Billing Duration * Rental Rate * Quantity

    The unrecognized revenue is in the billing currency.

  • The billing currency from the F54R10 table