Information in the Rental Contract Billing Workfile Report

The R54R300 report contains the following information:

  • The rental contract number, line number, and line type from the F54R10 and F54R11 tables

  • The address number (customer, ship to, invoiced to, or delivered to) specified in the processing option

  • The billing start date and end date from the F54R11 table

    If the billing end date is not available in the F54R11 table, the system uses the actual end date from the F54R11 table. If the actual end date is not available in the F54R11 table, the system uses the projected end date.

  • The billing method, which is 1 (recurring contract billing) or 2 (one-off contract billing)

  • The line-billed-from and the line-billed-to dates from the billing start date and the billing end date, or from the Date to Bill Through processing option for the R54R300 program

    For example, if the billing start date is 20 August 2014 and the billing end date is 12 December 2014, but the Date to Bill Through processing option value is 31 August 2014, then the line-billed-from = 20 August 2014 and the line-billed-to = 31 August, 2014.

    For one-off billing (billing method 2), the Line Billed From, Line Billed To, and the Billing Duration columns have blank values.

  • The billing duration that the system calculates using the values in the Rent UM, Line Billed From, and Line Billed To columns in the F54R11 table

  • The requested billing day from the Rental Contract Header table (F54R10), if the value exists in the F54R10 table

    Else, the system uses the last day of the bill-through month as the requested billing day.

    Note: The system does not process the billing when the requested billing day is greater than the day specified in the bill through date processing option. For example, if the requested billing day = 31, and the bill through date is 18 June 2014, then the system does not process billing for period 6 (June).
  • Quantity from the Open Quantity field in the Rental Contract Entry program (P54R10), when the billing method is 1

    When the billing method is 2, the quantity is retrieved from the Quantity field in the Rental Contract Entry program.

  • The period number and the fiscal year from the G/L Date processing option

    The system writes the period number and fiscal year to the Billing Detail Workfile table (F4812) and the Billing Control Master (F1794).

  • The billing frequency code from the Rental Contract Header table (F54R10)

    You either bill on the bill through date (specified in the processing option) or on the requested billing day (specified in the F54R10 table) that is prior to the bill through date.

  • The rental rate from the F54R11 table

  • The rental currency, which is the base currency of the company from the Company Constants table (F0010). If the base currency is different from the currency of the transaction that is specified in the Currency Code-From field, then the rental currency is the currency in the Currency Code - From field.

  • The rental billing unit of measure (Rent UM) from the F54R11 table

    If the billing method is 1 (recurring billing), the Rent UM is a value (Weekly, Monthly, or Daily) from the 54R/UM UDC table.

    If the billing method is 2 (one-off contract billing), the Rent UM is a value from the Pricing Unit of Measure (00/UM) UDC table.

  • The total billed amount calculated for each rental contract

  • The billing currency from the F54R11 table

  • The amount with tax calculated by the R53R300 program using the tax rate area of the item from the F54R11 table

    The system calculates tax only when the item is specified as taxable in the F54R11 table, and the customer is a taxable customer.

  • The business unit, object, and subsidiary from the AAI

  • The billing ID from the Billing Details Workfile table (F4812)

    Note: The system updates the Billing Detail Workfile table (F4812) with other rental contract data, such as the asset number, that are not printed in the R54R300 report. The Invoice To address number in the F54R11 table is recorded in the Owner/Receivable field in the F4812 table.
  • The exchange rate date that the system uses to retrieve the transaction exchange rate and billing exchange rate from the Currency Exchange Rates program (P0015A)

    If you have selected the Fixed Exchange Rate option in the Rental Contract Entry program (P54R10), this date comes from the Exchange Rate Date field in the P54R10 program.

    If you have not selected the Fixed Exchange Rate option, this date is based on the value in the Exchange Rate Date Basis processing option for the R54R300 program.

  • The 2nd item number from the Item Master table (F4101)

  • The transaction exchange rate from the Rental Contract Header table (F54R10), if you have opted to use a fixed exchange rate

    If you have opted to use a variable exchange rate, the system retrieves the transaction exchange rate based on the value in the Exchange Rate Date Basis processing option for the R54R300 program.

    This is the exchange rate that the system uses to convert amounts from the base currency to the transaction currency.

  • The billing exchange rate from the Rental Contract Header table (F54R10), if you have opted to use a fixed exchange rate

    If you have opted to use a variable exchange rate, the system retrieves the billing exchange rate based on the value in the Exchange Rate Date Basis processing option for the R54R300 program.

    This is the exchange rate that the system uses to convert the rental contract amount from the transaction currency to the billing currency.