Setting Up Rental Management Constants Information

Access the Rental Constants Revisions form.

Owned Asset Cost Method

Enter a value from the 40/CM UDC table that determines the inventory cost method that the system uses when allocating cost for owned assets.

Returned Material Authorization Generation Days

Enter the value that specifies the number of days that are added to the system date to determine the Return Material Authorization (RMA) date.

To process an inbound return purchase order, the Select On Date for the rental contract detail record must be less than or equal to this RMA date. The Select On Date is retrieved from the Action Details table (F54R021).

Billing Days Per Week

Enter 5, 6, or 7 to specify the number of billable days in a week for your business unit. If you enter 5, Saturdays and Sundays are non-billable days. If you enter 6, Sundays are non-billable days. If you enter 7, all days in a week are billable days.

An alternative to entering the billable days per week is to use a calendar by selecting the Billing Calendar option. If your business unit does not bill during holidays and weekends, using a calendar might be a better option.

Billing Calendar

Select this option to indicate that the system uses a billing calendar and enter a calendar name in the field. The calendar that you use must be defined in the Work Day Calendar Type UDC table (42/WD).

Minimum Rental Period

Enter the number that the system uses as the minimum rental period. Also, enter the unit of measure for the minimum rental period. The unit of measure must be defined in the Rental Contract Unit of Measure UDC table (54R/RU).

If you rent out assets for less than the minimum, the minimum is still charged. The system uses the value in this field as a the default rental period in the Rental Contract Detail Revisions form.

Default Rental Period

Enter the number of days that the system uses as the default rental period. Also, enter the unit of measure for the default rental period. The unit of measure must be defined in the Rental Contract Unit of Measure UDC table (54R/RU).

The system uses the value in this field to arrive at the projected end date of the rental contract, and populates the projected end date in the Rental Contract Detail Revisions form. You can override the default projected end date.

Reserve Assets

Select this option to allow users to reserve the asset. When you select this option, the system enables the Reservation Contract option on the Rental Contract Header Revisions form. If the Reservation Contract option is selected, it indicates that the contract is a reservation contract.

When you select the Reserve Assets option, the system enables the Asset Reservation Period field, and you can enter the default period that you want to reserve the asset. You can override this value on the Rental Contract Header Revisions form.

Asset Reservation Period

Enter the number of days or months that you want to reserve the asset.

Auto Transfer Assets

Select this option if you want the system to transfer items automatically from one business unit to another business unit within a company through the Transfer Order functionality.

Sales Order Close Statuses

Enter the statuses that a related sales order must have in order to be closed. You can specify three statuses. To close a rental contract, the status of all the related sales orders associated with the rental contract must match any of the status codes entered in these fields. The statuses that you enter must exist in the Activity/Status Codes UDC table (40/AT).

Purchase Order Close Statuses

Enter the statuses that a related purchase order must have in order to be closed. You can specify three statuses. To close a rental contract, the status of all the related purchase orders associated with the rental contract must match any of the status codes entered in these fields. The statuses that you enter must exist in the Activity/Status Codes UDC table (40/AT).

Service Order Close Statuses

Enter the statuses that a related service order must have in order to be closed. You can specify three statuses. To close a rental contract, the status of all the related service orders associated with the rental contract must match any of the status codes entered in these fields. The statuses that you enter must exist in the Work Order Status UDC table (00/SS).