Specifying an Inventory Item as a Rental Item

Access the Multiple Rental Item Details form or the Single Rental Item Details form.

Active Rental Item

Select this option to indicate that the item is a rental item. This option is selected by default. When you do not select this option, the system populates the Rental Retirement Date field with the system date.

Asset Record Required

Select this option to indicate that the asset record is required for the item.

Rental Start Date

Enter the date the item became a rental item. This is an informational field.

Rental Retirement Date

Enter the date when the item is retired from rental.

Rental Billing UOM

Enter a value from the R54R/UM UDC table that the system uses as the rental billing unit of measurement. Values are:

DY: Per day

WK: Per week

MO: Per month

The system populates the value that you enter in this field when you enter the rental contract for the item in the Rental Contract Entry program (P54R10).

Rental Item Status

Enter a value from the 54R/IS UDC table that indicates the status of a serialized rental item. Values are:

Blank: Available

01: Rented

02: In Transit

03: Out of Service

Serialized Item Disposition Type

Enter a value from the 54R/DT UDC table that indicates the disposition type of a serialized item.

Serialized Item Disposition Date

Enter a disposition date of a serialized item.

Rental Category Code 01 through10

Enter a value that indicates the type or category of a rental item.