
The following list describes the options at the top of the Rental Item Availability chart that you can use to customize your view:

  • Form

    This form menu provides exits to three forms, namely, Rental Contract Entry, Rental Item Workbench, and Rental Item Details.

  • Transfer Item

    Select Transfer Item to transfer the rental item. The system displays the Initiate Item Transfer dialog box where the Item Number is auto populated. You must enter information about the From Branch/Plant, To Branch/Plant, and quantity that needs to be transferred.

  • Refresh

    Click Refresh to refresh the branch/plant details for an item and clear the Gantt chart.

  • Close

    Click Close to close the Rental Item Availability application.

  • Selected Item

    This option displays the currently selected Rental Item in the Gantt chart.

  • Go To Date

    Select Go to Date from the toolbar and enter a date to move the display to the date that you specify.

  • Legends

    Legends provide information about the chart color. Contracted items appear in yellow bars and reserved items appear in blue bars. Available items appear in green bars unless there is a negative number or zero associated with the availability. If the number is negative or zero, the bar appears in red.

  • Zoom In and Zoom Out icons

    You can click the Zoom In and Zoom Out icons to change the time scale of the chart. Every time that you click Zoom In, the time frame changes to a greater level of detail. For example, if your chart is set to display information for three months and you click the Zoom In icon, the chart changes to display the item availability using months as the major axis and weeks as the minor axis. If you click the Zoom In icon again, the chart changes to display the item availability using weeks as the major axis and days as the minor axis. Likewise, each time that you click the Zoom Out icon, the chart changes to a less detailed time frame .