Understanding Related Orders Processing

The system passes the records that you have successfully entered in the Rental Contract Entry program (P54R10) to the Rental Contract Related Orders program (P54R20). The P54R20 program also displays records for which related orders have been generated.

You can generate related orders by interactive or by batch method, depending on the generation method that you define in the Action Definitions table (F54R02). If you have set the generation method to use the batch process, you must run the Rental Contract Related Order Generation batch program (R54R100) to generate related orders for the contract. If you have not specifically set the system to use the batch process, the rental contract order lines will be available for processing in both the interactive and the batch program.

The system allows you to select records and initiate the process to generate related orders in three ways:

In all the three methods, the system calls the Process Related Orders program (R54R110) to generate the related orders. The R54R110 report contains: the rental contract number, the order type XR, company, line number, business unit, action number processed to generate the order, the programs and the versions of the programs that the system has used to generate the related orders, the item number, the serial number, and the related order process date. The related order process date is the date associated with the Select On Date field in the Action Details table (F54R021).

If the processing of a related order results in an error, the system displays the error in the R54R110 report, or sends a detailed description of the error to the Work Center based on the processing options set for the R54R110 program.

To clear errors that occur when you process the order line, select Clear Error from the Row menu on the Work With Rental Contract Related Orders form. This enables you to clear the error and rerun the process after making corrections.