Understanding the Rental Contract Billing Process

Billing for rental contracts follows the typical billing process of accumulating rental contracts to bill, creating and printing invoices, and recording journal entries for income and receivables.

When you run the Rental Contract Billing Workfile Generation program (R54R300), the system gathers the rental contracts that are eligible for billing from the Rental Contract Detail table (F54R11), and creates records in the Billing Detail Workfile table (F4812). The eligible records are those F54R11 records with billing method 1 (recurring rental contract billing) and 2 (one-off rental contract billing).

After you generate the billing workfile, you must continue the standard billing process, which includes:

  • Generating the invoice workfile using the Service Billing Invoice Generation program (P48121)

  • Printing invoices

  • Generating the Invoice Journal using the Journal Generation program (R48131)

  • Creating AR and GL entries using the Create A/R Entries program (R48199)

  • Posting the AR and GL entries using the standard General Ledger Post Report program (R09801)

After you successfully run the R54R300 program, the system updates the status of the rental contract line in the F54R11 table to 900 (Closed) for one-off rental contract billing. For recurring rental contract billing, the system updates the status of the rental contract line to 300 (Billing). The line status changes to 900 (closed) for the recurring billing contract line when you close the rental contract or close the rental billing contract line.