Understanding the Rental Item Availability Chart

You can use the Rental Item Availability program (P54R02X) to view a chart showing rental items that are rented, committed to a reservation, and available for rental. You can view the rental information by item and branch that you specify.

  • For this application to function efficiently, you must have Tools Release or higher installed.
  • Download the ESU and the dependent user-defined objects (UDOs) to implement the Rental Item Availability Chart. See MOS Doc 2189815.1 for more information on the implementation steps.

To use the Rental Item Availability chart, select an item from the drop-down list. In the drop-down list, the item is displayed in the format (short item number, second item number, or third item number) specified in the P41001 program. To see the default branch/plant values displayed in the Select an Item drop-down list, you must select ALL in the P41001 program. The system includes in the list all the items for which the item/branch combination is set up as an active rental item in the Rental Item Details program (P54R41).

Note: In the Gantt chart, the availability of the items is determined based on the usage of the items in the Rental Item Details program (P54R41).

The Rental Item Availability chart displays all the contracts, reservations, and availability information for the item linked to branches for which the check box in the left panel above the table is selected. You can change the data displayed in the chart by selecting and deselecting check boxes in the left panel above the table.

When you select an item from the Select an Item drop-down list, the Branch Plant section of the left panel displays the branches that have an association with the item. You can filter the data available in the Branch Plant table by using the as-you-type filter option. You can also sort the data by using the sort functionality.

This list includes the branches that have an association with an item in the Detailed Availability program (P41202) and the Rental Item Details program (P54R41). You can select the respective check boxes for these branches to view the availability in them.

As well as displaying a bar representing available items, the chart displays bars for all contracts, reservations, and availability that meet the following criteria in the Rental Contract Detail table (F54R11):

  • The value in the Contract Line Status field is other than 800 (cancelled) or 900 (closed).

  • The Inventory Commitment field is not blank.

  • The Actual End Date field is not populated.

The chart uses colors as well as labels to distinguish between the bars on the chart. Legends provide information regarding the colors used in the chart. Contracted items appear in yellow bars and reserved items appear in blue bars. Available items appear in green bars unless there is a negative number or zero associated with the availability. If the number is negative or zero, the bar appears in red. The number of items contracted, reserved, and available are indicated by numbers on the bars. You can right-click a bar and view the context menu and access the applications the Rental Item Details program (P54R41), the Rental Item Workbench (P54R42), and the Rental Contract program (P54R10) from the Row exit. On the tooltip of a bar, you can view information such as the start date, end date, task type, branch name, and quantity.

When a rental contract expires or a reservation is cancelled, the item becomes available again and the program shows the change in the chart. For example, if an item is out on contract for the month of July, on August 1 the item number count for available items will increase and the number of items out on contract will decrease. Additionally, if you transfer items between branches using the Transfer Item in the menu bar, the availability numbers for the transferring branches are updated after you click the refresh button and the receiving branches are updated in the chart after the ST and OT orders are processed.

The default value for the time frame displayed in the chart is by month (major axis) and week (minor axis). Use the Zoom In and Zoom Out options in the Gantt chart to view the details in different time frames. You can also use the scroll bar to move to a different time frame in the chart. You can use the Go To Date option in the menu bar to view the details on a specific date.