Budget Results Selection

The following processing options allow you to specify the values to use when retrieving information from the Budget Results table (F15L109).

1. Revision Number (1)

Specify the revision number to use to retrieve records. If you leave this processing option blank, the system assigns revision number 0.

2. Fiscal Year (1)

Specify the fiscal year to use to retrieve account balances. If you do not specify a value in one of the fiscal year processing options, the system does not retrieve any account balances.

3. From Period (1)

Specify the beginning period to use to retrieve amounts. The system uses this processing option in conjunction with the To Period (1) processing option to determine the range of account balances to retrieve for the first fiscal year and ledger type that you specified.

4. To Period (1)

Specify the ending period to use to retrieve amounts. The system uses this processing option in conjunction with the From Period (1) processing option to determine the range of account balances to retrieve for the first fiscal year and ledger type that you specified.

5. Revision Number (2)

Specify the revision number for the second data selection range to use to retrieve records. If you leave this processing option blank, the system assigns revision number 0.

6. Fiscal Year (2)

Specify the fiscal year to use to retrieve account balances. If you do not specify a value in one of the fiscal year processing options, the system does not retrieve any account balances.

7. From Period (2)

Specify the beginning period to use to retrieve amounts. The system uses this processing option in conjunction with the To Period (2) processing option to determine the range of account balances to retrieve for the first fiscal year and ledger type that you specified.

8. To Period (2)

Specify the ending period to use to retrieve amounts. The system uses this processing option in conjunction with the From Period (2) processing option to determine the range of account balances to retrieve for the first fiscal year and ledger type that you specified.