Calculation Method 5 - Monthly Fixed Market Rate

The system uses this setup information for this calculation:

  • Area of Unit: 10,000.

  • New Rate (from assumption detail): 3.00.

The system uses the same calculation, which is an amount per square foot, for all of the years forecasted, regardless of whether the unit is leased. The system multiplies the area of the unit by the new rate from the detail assumption, and then divides that result by 12. Using the setup information, the system calculates the forecast amounts as follows: (New Rate × Area of Unit) ÷ 123 × 10,000 = 30,000 (forecasted yearly amount) 30,000 ÷ 12 = 2,500 (forecasted monthly amount)

Unlike the other calculation methods, the system updates the forecasted amount to each period in the F15L109 table.