
1. Retain Values After Add

Specify whether the system retains values from the previously added record in the following fields:

Budget Revision

Assumption Rule

E.P. Rule

Sales Overage Rule

Growth Pattern

Values are:

Blank: Do not retain previous values.

1: Retain previous values.

2. Assumption Action

Specify a value from UDC table 15/UA that specifies the default assumption action to use when the building constants defaults are used in the AREF Budget Calculation (R15L1091). Values are:

B: Market Blend

N: New

R: Renewal

If you leave this processing option blank, you must assign the assumption action manually.

3. Replace Data When Copying Models

Specify whether to override the existing data for records in the AREF Building Constants table (F15L100) when copying data from the AREF Building Constants Models table (F15L1001). Values are:

Blank: Do not override existing data. If you enter this value, data from the model record is only copied to unpopulated fields in the AREF Building Constants table and populated fields in the F15L100 table are retained.

1: Override existing data. If you enter this value, data from the model record is copied from the F15L1001 table to the selected records in the F15L100 table.