
1. Unit Area for Calculation

Specify the area that the system retrieves from the F15L101 table. Values are:

1: Retrieve the rentable area, which is specified in the Useable Area field.

2: Retrieve the usable area, which is specified in the Sales Area field.

2. Gross Lease Area Calculation Method

Specify a calculation method from UDC table 15/OM that the system uses to determine the occupied area for a unit. Values are:

1: Area as of the first day of the month. (default)

2: Area as of the last day of the month.

3: Area as of the 15th day of the month.

4: Average area for the month.

3. Refresh Action

Specify the actions that occur when you run the AREF Occupancy Refresh (R15L1092). Values are:

Blank: Delete and refresh. (default) The system deletes records from the AREF Gross Lease Occupied Area table (F15L141) based on the setting of the Deletion Method processing option. The system then re-calculates occupancy.

1: Delete only. The process ends after the system deletes records from the F15L141 table. If you set the Deletion Method processing option to 1, you must still enter a calculation method and area definition to determine the records the systems selects for deletion.

4. Deletion Method

Specify how records are selected for deletion from the AREF Gross Lease Occupied Area table (F15L141). Values are:

1: Delete records based on data selection, and the date range, the calculation method, and area definition values in the processing options. You must enter values in the Gross Lease Area Calculation Method and Unit Area for Calculation processing options.

2: Delete all records in the F15L141 table.

3: Delete all records for the building being processed.

5. Area Definition

Specify the area definition to use to calculate the occupied area for a unit. The results are added to the AREF Gross Lease Occupied Area table (F15L141). You can add an area definition in the Area Definitions program (P15142). The base area type is used to calculate unadjusted area values for Gross Lease Occupied Area (GLOA) and Gross Leaseable Area (GLA). If you enter adjustment area types for GLOA and GLA, the system applies those area amounts to the unadjusted area values for GLOA and GLA.