R15L001 - AREF Lease Revenue by Type

You run the AREF Lease Revenue by Type report (R15L1001) to review the forecasted budget amounts for the accounts based on the account association codes that you enter in the processing options:

  • Minimum Rent.

  • Percentage in Lieu of Minimum.

  • Overage Rent.

  • Expense Participation.

  • Real Estate Taxes.

  • Marketing.

  • Utilities.

  • Miscellaneous.

The system provides two versions of the report: one that sequences by unit, and therefore provides account totals by unit, and one that sequences on tenant, which summarizes the account totals for multiple units that are leased by the same tenant.

Processing options enable you to specify the year and revision number to use to retrieve the account information from the F15L109 table, but you can also limit the report to specific properties or leases using data selection.