Setting Up Unit Assumption Detail Information

Access the AREF Assumption Detail Revisions form.

Asmp Type (assumption type)

Enter a hard-coded value from UDC table 15L/AT that specifies a type of expense incurred on a lease. The assumption type is associated with a posting bill code. Values are:

EC: External commissions

IC: Internal commissions

OC: Other commissions

OT: Other assumptions

TI: Tenant improvements

Calc Method (calculation method)

Enter a hard-coded value from UDC table 15L/CM that specifies how the system forecasts an amount for the assumption type. The system automatically enters a value in the Amount Type field based on the calculation method.

Note: You must enter a calculation method for all assumption types except OT (other assumptions).
New Rate

Enter a number that specifies the expected growth rate for a new assumption in the base year. The new assumption value can be defined as a currency, a percentage, or an amount per square foot.

Renewal Rate

Enter a number that specifies the expected growth rate for a renewed assumption in the base year. The renewal assumption value can be defined as a currency, a percentage, or an amount per square foot.

You must enter a value in either the Posting Bill Code field or the Posting Obj Acct field.