Understanding Account Status Records

After you retrieve and save account status records using the AREF Account Status program (P15L110) or the AREF Global Account Status Retrieval program (R15L1099), you can manipulate the accounts by:

  • Adding and revising period amounts.

    Account status records can be revised by period before you calculate the budget as long as the posting edit code assigned to the account does not exist in UDC table 15L/PC (No Growth Posting Edit Codes). If the posting edit code assigned to the account is set up in the UDC table, you can retrieve, save, and delete the account only; you cannot revise it.

    Note: If account detail records exist for the account that you select, the system displays the lock button to the left of the Rev. No. field and does not allow revisions to any of the fields. The system does not change the value of the Lock Flag field. If necessary, you can delete the account detail records, and then revise the period amounts.
  • Deleting accounts.

  • Adding budget pattern codes and calculate the period amounts.

    If budget pattern codes are set up, you can assign the code and have the system spread the amount total to the amount period fields according to the percentages defined by the budget pattern code.

    Note: If you add a budget pattern code, you must select Calc Budget Spread from the Row menu to apply it to the amount total before you run the AREF Budget Calculation program (R15L1091). If you neglect to apply the budget pattern code, the system ignores it when you generate the budget.
  • Locking or unlocking all accounts or individual accounts by period.

    You can adjust the amounts for an account in a period until the period is locked. Once a period is locked, the cell is disabled to indicate a locked period. If you lock periods, the Row exit Calc Budget Spread and the Budg Patt field are disabled.

  • Assigning detail information.

    If the account balance represents amounts from different sources, you can add a description of the source and enter the period amounts. You can add as many detail lines as necessary, and even assign budget pattern codes for which you can calculate period amounts based on a total amount. When you click OK to save the details, the system totals the detail line amounts by period and updates the account status record accordingly. For example, if you have three detail lines and you enter amounts of 1,000, 2,000, and 3,000 in the Amount Period 1 fields, respectively, the system sums the amounts and updates the Amount Period 1 field of the account status record to 6,000.

    The system overwrites existing period amounts on the account status record with the sum of the account status detail records for each period. You cannot revise period amounts on account status records if account status detail records exist; you must delete the detail records first.

    The system also automatically locks the account status record to protect it from future updates. If you delete the account status detail records, the system unlocks the account status record.

Use AREF security setup programs to allow or prevent locking and/or unlocking for each user. If you do not set up AREF security, then all actions are permitted for all users.

See Setting Up AREF Security (optional).