Understanding AREF Security

After you complete certain system processes, such reviewing and approving a budget, you may want to protect these records. To prevent inappropriate budget changes, you can specify which users have permission to lock and unlock budgets. To prevent inappropriate changes to unit records, you can also specify which users have permission to lock and unlock units. The AREF Permissions List program (P15L200) enables you to set up and maintain permissions lists that specify the allowed actions of each user. Only an allowed user can lock and unlock a budget.

After defining permission lists, you then use the AREF Security Setup program (P15L202) to attach a permission list to a specific building and revision number. You can specify three levels of security:

  1. All security, which applies to all JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Advanced Real Estate programs.

  2. Accounting security, which is only used in the AREF Account Status program (P15L110), the AREF Edit Budget Results program (P15L109), and AREF Copy Results to Ledger program (R15L1093).

  3. Unit security, which is only used in the AREF Unit Maintenance program (P15L101).

To determine a user's allowed actions, the system searches for a permission list using the following hierarchy (ALL is represented in the software by *):

  1. Building, Revision Number and Permission Type (either Unit or Accounting, depending on the application).

  2. Building and "ALL" Revisions. The P15L202 program displays 0 in the Revision Number field and 1 in the All Revision Numbers field.

  3. "ALL" Buildings and Revision.

  4. "ALL" Buildings and "ALL" Revisions. The P15L202 program displays 1 in the All Revision Numbers field.

  5. The search sequence above (steps 1 through 4) repeats for Permission Type 1 (All Security).

If you do not set up security records for Permission Type 3 (Unit Security) or Permission Type 1 (All Security) in the P15L101 program, then the system determines that AREF security is not set up. If you do not set up security records for Permission Type 2 (Accounting Security) or Permission Type 1 (All Security) in the P15L110, P15L109, and R15L1093 programs, then the system determines that AREF security is not set up.

The system stores budget security information in these tables:

  • AREF Permission Lists table (F15L200) stores permission list names and permission list descriptions.

  • AREF Permission List Details table (F15L201) stores address book numbers that belong to a particular permissions list and what allowed actions they can perform. (lock, unlock, or both).

  • AREF Security table (F15L202) stores the permission list for a building/revision and permissions type.