Understanding Building Constants Models

After you create the building constant records to use for the budget revisions, you might need to revise them. For example, you might want to change the fee percentage or the growth pattern. Instead of modifying each building constant record manually, you can set up a model building constant record and then copy the changes to selected building constant records. First, use the AREF Building Constants Models program (P15L1001) to set up model building constant records. Then use the AREF Building Constants program (P15L100) to locate the model and the building constant records to update, and to copy the changes from the model to the selected records.

When you copy the model to the selected building constant records, you can set the Replace Data When Copying Models processing option in P15L100 program to specify whether the system:

  • Copies information only from the model to blank fields on the building constant records.

  • Replaces information on the building constant record with information from the model.

    If you choose to replace information, the system copies the values from all of the fields on the model, including blank, to the corresponding fields on the building constant record.

See Setting Up AREF Building Constants.