Understanding Forecasted Budget Revisions

After you generate the budget calculations, you can review and revise the results using the AREF Edit Budget program (P15L109). On the Calculated Budget Results form, you can define the search criteria and display the forecasted annual amounts. You can display the budgets for each building and revision number, or enter search criteria to limit the number of records that are displayed to a specific unit (by using the Subledger field) or account.

To revise an annual budget amount, you must revise the period amounts. To access, select the annual amount for the desired budget year. You can revise the period amounts using these methods:

  • Change the amount in the desired period.

    The system automatically updates the annual amount.

  • Enter an override annual amount and a budget pattern code, and select Calc Budget Spread from the Row menu.

    The system spreads the annual amount to the appropriate periods based on the budget pattern code.

Alternatively, you can change the setup information and rerun the AREF Budget Calculation program (R15L1091) as often as needed. The system recalculates and overwrites the information in the AREF Budget Results table (F15L109) unless the account record is locked for the selected building and revision. To review the sources that the system used to generate the calculation, including some of the formulas that were used, generate the AREF Budget Calculation Audit Report (R15L1098) for the building.