Understanding Global Assumption Assignments

Use the AREF Unit Assumption Assignment program (P15L1011) to locate the units you want to update by filtering multiple search fields, including unit information, report codes, and rules. For example, you might want to assign all of the units in a specific building or for a particular revision number the same rules, or you might want to globally update the rule assigned to units to a new rule. You can also specify whether the system considers the time prior to the REM lease is downtime or uses AREF assumptions.

After you locate the units to update, enter the assumption, expense participation, sales overage, and recurring bill code rules. If the rules do not apply to all of the units that you located, you can select the units to update and select Copy to Select Record from the Row menu. To assign the rules to all units displayed, select Copy All Records from the Form menu.

Note: If you inadvertently copy rules to the wrong units, you cannot use the P15L1011 program to update them to a blank value. Instead, you must use the AREF Unit Maintenance program (P15L101), which you can access from the Row or Form menu.