Understanding Growth Pattern Information

Use the AREF Growth Patterns program (P15L105) to set up growth patterns to anticipate increasing amounts for lease revenue and expenses based on several market factors, including flat amount, square feet, percentage amount, and specified number of years. Use growth patterns to set up increases that apply to:

  • Recurring billing amounts, if they exist.

  • Other account balances that you specify during the account status process when the system calculates the budget amounts.

Specify a hard-coded growth pattern type to determine whether the growth amounts represent a fixed amount, a percentage, or an amount per square foot. This table describes the action the system performs, depending on the growth pattern type, if you enter 1.00 in the Year 01 field of the growth pattern:

Growth Pattern Type


FX (fixed amount)

Adds 1 to the account balance.

PC (percentage)

Multiplies the account balance by 1.01 percent, which is equivalent to multiplying the account balance by 1 percent, and adds that result to the account balance.

SF (square foot)

Multiplies the area of the unit (represented in square feet) by 1 and adds that result to the account balance.

You can specify different annual growth amounts, percentages, or amounts per square foot for each growth pattern for as many as 15 years. The system compounds the growth amounts that you enter for each year. For example, if you enter a percentage growth pattern type and specify 1.0 in Year 01 and 2.0 in Year 02, the system multiplies the account balance by 1.01 percent the first year, and then multiplies that resulting amount by 1.02 percent the following year, for a total of 3.02 percent.

Set up growth patterns by building and revision number and then use them as part of the assumption rule, which is also set up by building and revision number, that you assign to each unit for which you want to calculate a budget amount. You also assign growth patterns to detail assumptions, recurring bill code rules, sales overage rules, and expense participation rules.

See Adding Units Manually.

Note: You cannot set up growth patterns for revision numbers that do not have units. For example, you cannot enter a growth pattern for revision number 7 if you do not have any units for revision number 7. If you do not upload units, you must create a unit manually before you can set up the system.

The system stores growth pattern information in the AREF Growth Pattern File table (F15L105).