Understanding the Process to Update Budget Results to the General Ledger

When you are satisfied with the budget results for a specific revision number, you can run the AREF Copy Results to Ledger program (R15L1093) to copy the amounts from the F15L109 table to the Account Balances table (F0902), where they can be incorporated with budgets from other systems for reporting purposes.

Use processing options to:

  • Copy budget results by revision number.

  • Update the budget for specific properties only by using data selection to specify the property (or building).

  • Specify whether to add or overwrite the amounts from the F15L109 table to the F0902 table when records for that ledger type already exist in the F0902 table.

    The system does not remove any account balance records. In addition to the period amounts that the system updates in the F0902 table, you can also update one of the annual budget amount fields (Requested, Approved, or Final).

  • Specify whether to lock the records in the F15L109 table after the system updates the F0902 table.

    You can do this to prevent the budget results records from being revised or updated. Locking the records ensures the integrity between the two tables; however, to make a revision, you can unlock the record using the AREF Edit Budget program (P15L109), and then update the change to the F0902 table by rerunning the R15L1093 program.

    Note: When you set up the appropriate permissions list in the AREF Permissions List program (P15L200), certain users do not have the authority to lock a budget. As a result, the system does not lock the budget if the user is not allowed to lock the budget. An informational message is printed on the report for the building or revision being processed indicating that the budget was not locked because the user is not authorized.

To verify that the R15L1093 program successfully copied the budget records to the F0902 table, you should review the report. The report provides the parameters that were used to copy the records, such as the revision number and ledger type, as well as provides the total number of records copied and a message to confirm that the process finished successfully.