Unit Info

Time Prior to Lease is Downtime

Specify if the time between leases is considered downtime. This check box is available when a REM lease is attached to a unit. Values are:

If you select the check box, the time between leases is considered downtime and the system does not calculate budgets.

If you do not select the check box, the time between the leases is not considered downtime and the system calculates budgets.

Original Unit

Enter the number that identifies the original unit in the F15L101 table prior to reabsorbing it.

Unit Type

Enter a user-defined code from UDC table 15/UT that identifies the type of unit for billing and reporting purposes. Examples include:

OFFCE: Office space

RSALE: Retail space

RESTR: Restaurant

CONDO: Condominium

Unit of Measure

Enter a user-defined code from UDC table 00/UM that identifies the unit of measurement for an amount or quantity, such as a barrel, box, or cubic meter, liter, hour.


Enter a user-defined code from UDC table 15/FL that identifies a floor in a building in which the unit exists.

Useable Area

Enter the user-defined area that can be occupied or leased.

Sales Area

Enter an override square footage amount to use when calculating sales overage billings.

A/P Vouchers (Release 9.2 Update)

Specify whether a vacant AREF unit generates A/R invoices or A/P vouchers. Values are:

  • If you select the check box, a vacant AREF unit generates A/P vouchers.

  • If you do not select the check box, a vacant AREF unit generates A/R invoices.

Lock Flag

Enter a value to specify whether the system generates a budget record or updates the F15L109 table for the unit when you run the AREF Budget Calculation program (R15L1091). Values are:

Y: The unit is locked. The system neither generates a new record nor updates an existing record in the F15L109 table.

N: The unit is not locked. The system updates the budget results record and updates the F15L109 table.

The system automatically updates this field to N. If you enter Y, the system locks the unit, which protects it from future updates. You can reabsorb a locked unit.

Note: If you change the Lock Flag from Y to N, you must press the Tab key to exit the field and enable the OK button on the tool bar.
E.P. Unit Type (expense participation unit type)

Enter a user-defined code from UDC table 15/EU that identifies the unit for expense participation exclusions. You must enter a value in this field if you set up expense participation rules that use a tenant exclusion rule or share factor denominator.

Unit Begin Date

Enter the date on which the unit is active.

Unit End Date

Enter the date on which the unit becomes inactive.

Lease Start Date

Enter the effective start date for this version of the lease.

Lease End Date

Enter the effective end date for this version of the lease.