Adjusting Posted Sales

Access the Adjusted Sales Revisions form.

Sales Amount

Enter the total sales amount for the associated product and sales period.

A T (adjustment type)

Enter a code from UDC 15/AT that specifies the reason for the change in the originally reported sales information. Values are:

Blank: Miscellaneous adjustment.

1: Audit adjustment.

2: Correction.

R T (sales report type)

Enter a code from UDC table 15/RT that specifies the type of user-defined sales reports. Values are:

Blank: Actual sales. Actual sales require no follow-up and are eligible for purging from the F1540B table.

1: Estimated sales

2: Verbal sales

Any non-blank value in this field indicates that some follow-up is required. The system retains non-blank records in the control file for reporting and follow-up purposes. You can use the codes to differentiate between conditions that require unique types of follow-up.