Critical Dates and Record Selection

In the processing options, you can select from three critical dates that the system uses to determine whether a record is eligible for purging. Because a critical date might not be part of a table that is selected for the purge, the system uses this criteria for record selection:

  • If all of the records for the lease in the Lease Master Header table (F1501B) are eligible for purging, all of the related records in the selected tables are eligible.

    The system bypasses the remaining items in the date selection process.

  • If one of the critical dates applies to a selected table, the date for a record must be prior to the critical date.

  • If more than one critical date applies to a selected table, each critical date for the record must be before the critical date of the respective table.

  • If none of the critical dates apply to a table that you selected, the system determines the records to be purged based on the relationship between the tables.

    All of the records for a specific lease in the parent table must be eligible for the related records in the dependent table to be eligible. For example, in terms of sales overage, the Product Scales Master table (F15014B) and the Min/Max Rents And Recoveries Master table (F15015B) are dependent on the Sales Overage Master File table (F15013B), which is the parent.

  • If a record is eligible in the Recurring Billings Master table (F1502B), the Tenant E.P. Class Master table (F15012B), the Tenant Escalation Master table (F15016B), the Sales Overage Master File table (F15013B), or the Management Fee Master table (F1505B), then the system deletes the related record with the same billing control ID number in the OW Billings Generation Control table (F15011B).

  • If you purge all of the Tenant E.P. Class Master (F15012B) records for a lease, the system deletes the corresponding records in the Tenant Account Exclusions table (F1533B).

    Note: If you use data selection, and if the item that you are selecting is in both the Lease Master Header table (F1501B) and the Lease Master Detail table (F15017), use the Lease Master Header item for selection.