
1. Transaction Currency Override

Specify whether to allow an override the transaction currency code from the default value on the lease. Regardless of the setting for this processing option, the system does not allow the transaction currency code to be changed after a transaction has been billed for the lease. Values are:

Blank: Allow.

1: Do not allow.

2. Exchange Rate Override

Specify whether to allow users to enter a value in the Lease Override Exchange Rate field (CRR). The system uses the value that you enter as the exchange rate for transactions billed in a foreign currency. If you leave this field blank, the system uses the exchange rate that is set up in the Currency Exchange Rates table (F0015) when the transaction is billed. Overrides to the exchange rate should be limited to those instances when an agreement has been made between the tenant and landlord; this agreement specifies a fixed exchange rate for the term of the lease. Values are:

Blank: Allow.

1: Do not allow.

Note: For a lessee lease, the transaction currency and exchange rate are derived from the lease header. These field are disabled and cannot be edited irrespective of how the processing options are defined.