
1. Search Default For Lease Version

Specify whether the system retrieves the version of the lease that is based on the current date (the system date) or the latest effective date. Values are:

Blank: System date.

1: Latest (future) effective date. For example, if the current date is June 30, 2007 and the lease has two versions dated January 1, 2007, and October 1, 2007, respectively, the system displays the version that is dated October 1, 2007.

Note: If you do not set up versioning in the F1510B table, the system ignores this processing option.
2. Automatic Display of Forms

Specify whether the system automatically displays the form for these options after you click OK to add a new legal clause:

Space Detail Revisions

Clause Amount Revisions

Clause Options Audit Revisions

Values are:

Blank: Do not automatically display.

1: Automatically display.

Note: This processing option functions only when you add a new legal clause record. If the legal clause record exists, use the Form menu to access the applicable entry program.