Detail Area

Deposit Type

Enter a user-defined code from UDC table 15/ED that indicates the reason for the security deposit. Values include:

KD: Key deposit

SD: Security deposit

UD: Utility deposit

D S (Security Deposit Applied Status (SDAP))

Enter a user-defined code from UDC table 15/SD that the system assigns to indicate whether the security deposit has been billed or refunded. Values are:

B: Billed (an invoice has been generated).

R: Refunded.

Create Invoice

Specify whether to generate an invoice to send to the tenant for the security deposit. Values are:

Blank: Do not generate.

Y: Generate.

V S (version suspend code)

Specify whether a billing record is suspended by the versioning process. Values are:

Blank: The billing record is not suspended.

1: The billing record is suspended. A new billing record might exist for the next (subsequent) version of the lease.

Alternate Payee

Enter the address book number of the person or company responsible for payment of rent and charges related to the lease. The alternate payee number might not be the same number as the tenant.

If the person who receives the refund is different from the tenant on the lease, you must set up a supplier master record in addition to the address book record before you can complete this field. You can use the Form menu to access the Address Book program (P01012), from which you can access the Supplier Master Information form.