
1. Required Standards Protection

Specify whether to allow changes to these required standards fields: Log Class, Amenity ID, Description, and Unit of Measure. Values are:

Blank: Allow changes.

1: Do not allow changes.

Note: You must leave the Required Standard field (RQ) in the Log Standards Information program (P1523) blank on all required standards for which you allow changes.
2. Speculative Lease Occupancy Status

Specify whether to display the units that are attached to speculative leases as vacant or occupied. Values are:

Blank: Vacant.

1: Occupied.

3. Lease Status Selection 1 - 5

Specify the lease logs to suppress from displaying, based on the lease status, when you review the unit logs. To override this processing option, clear the Suppress Selected Logs option on the Log Details form. You can suppress the logs for up to five lease statuses.

4. Unit Attribute Template Name

Specify the name of a unit attribute template that has been set up in the Unit Attribute Template Definition program (P1522). You must enter a value in this processing option in order to search for unit attributes in the Unit Information program (P15217).

See "Setting Up Attributes Templates"