
1. Edit Dates Against Lease Master

Specify whether the system verifies whether the dates for expense participation information are within the beginning and ending lease dates in the Lease Master Header table (F1501B). Values are:

Blank: Do not verify that the expense participation dates are within the lease dates.

1: Verify that expense participation dates are within the lease dates. If the dates for the expense participation information do not match the lease dates, the system generates an error.

2. Allow Overrides to Billed Lines

Specify whether to allow overrides to existing expense participation information for which billing control information exists. Values are:

Blank: Do not allow overrides. Disable the grid row in which billing control information exists.

1: Allow overrides. Enable the grid row in which billing control information exists.

Note: Use caution when setting this processing option to allow changes where billing control information exists so that previously billed information is not changed incorrectly.
3. Lease Cap Rules Control for Billed Lines

Specify whether users can update existing lease cap rule information for E.P. Information records that have billing control records. Values are:

Blank: Enable lease cap rules information to allow changes.

1: Disable lease cap rules information to disallow changes.

2: Disable lease cap rules information to disallow changes, except for the cap basis amount.

4. Base Year Exclusion per Square Foot Entry

Specify whether to display the Base Year Exclusion per Square Foot column. Values are:

Blank: Hide the Base Year Exclusion per Square Foot grid column.

1: Display the Base Year Exclusion per Square Foot grid column.