Floor Info


Enter a user-defined code from UDC table 15/FL that identifies a floor.

Area Grouping Code

Enter a user-defined code from UDC table 15/GC that the system uses to reconcile the total area of the group to the total area of the floor.

If you leave this field blank, the system automatically uses FLOR.

Area Grouping Value

When you enter FLOR in the Area Grouping Code field, the system enters the floor number. If you do not enter FLOR in the Area Grouping Code, you must enter the information in this field.

Area Type

Enter a user-defined codes from UDC table 15/AR that identifies the area by its use, such as rentable, usable, gross leasable (GLA), or gross leasable occupied (GLOA).


Enter the amount that appears as part of a log line. Examples are the potential rent for a unit, the square footage, or the amount of insurance coverage for a lease.