
Bill Code

Enter the bill code. If you set up recurring billings as payables, you must use bill codes specific to the JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Accounts Payable system for each pay item line.

Bill Type

Enter the user-defined code from UDC table 15/TR that specifies whether the recurring billing line generates an invoice or voucher, or a journal entry (accrual entry) only. Values are:

Blank: Billing entry. When processed, the system generates either an invoice, which updates the Customer Ledger (F03B11) and Account Ledger (F0911) tables, or a voucher, which updates the Accounts Payable Ledger (F0411) and Account Ledger (F0911) tables. The lease determines which type of document the system generates.

(Release 9.2 Update) If you are entering bill codes that you want to be included in straight-line rent processing as conversion bill codes, you must complete the Bill Code field, enter an A in this field, and select the Straight-line Rent Generation option.

A: Accrual entry. When processed, the system generates a journal entry only and updates the Account Ledger table (F0911).

Straight-line Rent Generation (Release 9.2 Update)

An option that indicates whether the system selects the bill code for straight-line processing when the Straight-line Rent Generation program (R15130) is run. When the option is selected, the value is 1, and when the option is not selected, the value is 0. You can also filter records using the QBE line. For example, to see all records that have the Straight-line Rent Generation option selected, enter a 1 in the QBE line for this field, and click Search. Values are:

0: (Not Selected) Do not select the bill code for straight-line processing.

1: (Selected) Select the bill code for straight-line processing.

Building/Business Unit (Release 9.2 Update)

Enter the building or business unit associated with the unit or asset. If you are entering bill codes for a unit or property asset, you enter the building in this field.

If you are entering information for a non-property asset, enter the responsible business unit. The system automatically populates this field with the value from the Asset Master. You can enter a value in the field, however, if your entered value does not match the responsible business unit from the Asset Master, the system replaces the value you entered and issues a warning.


Enter the unit.

For lessor leases, if the lease is for multiple buildings or units, the system displays only the first building and unit and a message notifying you about the condition.

For lessee leases, if you leave this field blank, the system uses either the unit or the asset from the first record on the lease, depending on whether the line is for a property or a non-property asset.

Unit Asset Number (Release 9.2 Update)

Review the asset number associated with the leased property asset. The system retrieves this value from the Unit Master when entering bill code information for lessee lease lines for property assets.

Asset Number (Release 9.2 Update)

Enter the asset number associated with the leased non-property asset. Complete this field only when entering bill code information for lessee lease lines for non-property. Note that you cannot enter an asset number that is associated with a unit in this field. Also, if you enter a value in this field, the system disables several fields that are applicable only to property assets.

Non-Property Asset (Release 9.2 Update)

This option is automatically selected if the bill code is for a lessee lease of a non-property asset.

Ending Date

Enter the ending date. This field is not required if the lease is open-ended.

(Release 9.2 Update) This field is required if the billing line has an effect on lease liability.

Gross Amount

Enter the value that specifies the total amount of the invoice or voucher pay item. The gross amount might include the tax amount, depending on the tax explanation code. The system does not decrease the gross amount when payments are applied. When you void a transaction, the system clears the gross amount field.

Effect on Lease Liability (Release 9.2 Update)

Specify whether the billing records have any impact on the lease liability calculation. The system populates this field with the default value that is set up in the bill code record. A processing option on the P1502 determines whether users can override this value. Additionally, if the lease classification for the asset associated with the billing record is defined as Not On Balance Sheet, this field is disabled.

Payment Method (Release 9.2 Update)

Specify whether the payment is in advance or in arrears. This value is used when creating the amortization schedules for balance sheet lessee accounting only.

S C (suspend code)

Enter a user-defined code from UDC table 15/SU that specifies whether the billing line is active, suspended, or inactive. Values are:

Blank: Active. The billing line is eligible to generate recurring billings.

Y: Suspended. The billing line is not eligible to generate recurring billings after the date entered in the Suspend Date field.

I: Inactive. The billing line is not eligible to generate recurring billings.

If you enter Y or 1, the system does not generate future billing records and you can add another line with the correct information.

If the original billing line has not been posted, you can use the Manual Billing Entry Revisions program (P1511) to delete the billing line or add a manual billing record for the difference.

Note: (Release 9.2 Update)If you are suspending a line that has an effect on lease liability, the associated amortizations schedules will not be updated to reflect the suspension. If you want to update the amortization schedules to reflect the suspension in billing for this line, use the change lease terms feature instead to trigger a remeasurement of the schedules.
Suspend Date

Enter the date from which the billing line is suspended. The system generates recurring billings for the billing line up to and including the date specified.

If you leave this field blank and the suspend code is Y, the system does not generate recurring billings until the suspend code is changed to Blank.

Billing Group

Enter the code that is used to group different tenants and leases into one combined billing. The system automatically supplies this field with the number of the first building displayed on the Lease Information form. You can override the value of this field if necessary.

Alternate Payee

Enter the address book number of the person or company responsible for payment of rent and charges related to the lease. This number might not be the same number as the tenant.


Enter a remark. Use this generic field for a remark, description, name, or address.

Annual Sq Ft (annual square foot amount)

Enter the amount that represents the result of multiplying the recurring billing amount by the billing frequency, and then dividing that result by the area.

Gross Amount = 1000

Billing Frequency = M (monthly)

Area = 5000

Annual Square Foot Amount = 2.4 ((1000 × 12) / 5000)

Conversely, if you enter the annual square foot amount, the system calculates the gross amount by multiplying the annual square foot amount by the area, and then dividing that result by the billing frequency.

Annual Square Foot Amount = 4.5

Billing Frequency = M (monthly)

Area = 5000

Gross Amount = 1875 ([4.5 × 5000] / 12)

Taxable Amount

Enter the amount on which taxes are assessed.

You can enter either a gross amount or a taxable amount, depending upon how the processing option is set.

U G (unit group code)

Enter the one-character alphanumeric code that is used to select units on the lease for billing purposes. The system sums the area for all units that have the corresponding code specified in the Unit Grouping field on the lease. Only one value from the Unit Grouping field on the lease must match the value of the Unit Group Code field on the recurring, escalation, or expense participation (E.P.) billing line for the system to retrieve the unit information. For example, if you have two units to which you assign unit grouping codes of 61 and 1, respectively, you can set up a recurring billing line for unit group 1 to specify both units.

Note: If you enter a value in the Unit Group Code field on a bill code line, you cannot specify a value in the Unit field for that bill code line, and the system does not automatically provide the dates from the lease.
S I Code (separate invoice code)

Enter the one-character alphanumeric code that indicates which billing records to print on the invoice. The system prints a separate invoice for each group of billing records that have the same lease number, alternate payee, and separate invoice code.

Item Grouping

Enter the three-character alphanumeric code that indicates which billing records to summarize on printed invoices and reports. Billing records that are assigned the same invoice grouping code for the same lease appear as a single pay item, regardless of the bill code.

Billing ID

Enter the unique number that the system assigned to each billing record to identify it in a table. The system assigns the number from the Next Numbers - Automatic table (F0002) for system 15, line 2 (Billing Control).

Base Billing ID

Enter the value assigned to the Billing Control ID field (BCI) on the billing record for the previous version of the lease. The system assigns the same number to provide an audit trail for billing records that are generated for multiple versions of the lease.

From Year

Enter the number that represents the beginning year in a range of years that is defined by the value in the Year Type field. The system uses the year range for informational and reporting purposes only.

To Year

Enter the number that represents the ending year in a range of years that is defined by the value in the Year Type field. The system uses the year range for informational and reporting purposes only.

Year Type

Enter a user-defined code from UDC table 15/YT that identifies the year range, defined by the Year From and Year To fields. The system uses the year range for informational and reporting purposes only. Values are:

R: Rent years

L: Lease years

V S (version suspend code)

Specify whether a billing record is suspended by the versioning process. Values are:

Blank: Active. The billing record is not suspended.

1:Suspended. A new billing record might exist for the next (subsequent) version of the lease.