Grid Area

% Due (percentage due)

Enter the percentage that the system uses to calculate sales overage for the associated breakpoint. For example, five and a half percent would be entered as 5.5.

Sales overage, or percentage rent, is calculated on a Product Code line basis across a scale with various breakpoints. Each breakpoint must have a percentage associated with it. This percentage represents the rate at which a tenant is billed sales overage rent for sales that are greater than one breakpoint and less than the next one.

P R (prorate overage)

Enter a value that specifies whether to prorate overage. You can use this field to prorate Sales Overage Billing based on percentages specified at detail (Product Scale) levels with a total lease-level breakpoint. When you use this field, the system bills overage for all of the lease's sales in excess of the lease-level breakpoint using this logic:

  1. For each detail (Product Code) record, the system determines the amount of sales applicable to that record by dividing specific product sales by total sales for the lease, and then applying that proportion to total sales in excess of the lease-level breakpoint.

  2. The system then bills overage rent for the specified percentage of the sales calculated.

Values are:

N: Do not prorate.

Y: Prorate.

P C (process code)

Enter a code from UDC table 15/SO that defines the purpose of each Product Scale record.

Usually the Product Scale (Building/Unit/DBA/Product Code) identifies both the level at which sales must be reported and the level at which billing specifications should be applied. However, billing requirements may be specified at a different level than sales reporting requirements. This field enables you to distinguish between the two levels. Values are:

Blank: Use Product Scale for Sales Report Control and Billing Calculations.

B: Use Product Scale only for Billing Calculations (Product Scale fields are used to identify sales subject to said breakpoint and percent).

R: Use Product Scale only for Sales Report Control (product scale fields are used to identify how sales are expected to be reported).

Accrual Method

Enter a code from UDC table 15/AU that specifies the method that the system uses to generate accruals. Values are:

Blank: Do not generate accruals.

1: Generate this record as a reversing accrual each month, except for the report year-end month.

2: Always generate this record as a reversing accrual, regardless of the report year-end month. For the report year-end month, the accrual entry is not reversed.

3: Generate this record as a reversing accrual each month, except for the report year-end month. If actual or estimated sales exceed the breakpoint, generate an invoice or voucher regardless of the reporting month.

Sales Lease

Enter a lease number the system uses to retrieve sales amounts. The same sales reporting lease number should be entered on each line of a group of Product Scales records. A group of Product Scales records has the same values in DBA (doing business as), Product Code, Building, and Unit. Use this field in situations involving subleases, in which billings for multiple leases are based on the same sales amounts.

V S (version suspend)

Specify whether a billing record is suspended by the versioning process. Values are:

Blank: Not suspended.

1: Suspended. A new billing record might exist for the next (subsequent) version of the lease.