New Manual Billing Entry

If you use the New Lease Entry program (P1501) to set up a new lease and you click the Manual Billing / Misc Expenses button, the system provides access to these programs to complete the billing process:

  • Review and Change Manual Billing (P1511).

  • Generate Billings Register (R15300).

  • Post Invoice Batch to Update G/L (R15199).

  • Post Voucher Batch to Update G/L (R15199).

You can run the programs at this time, or you can access them later from the Manual Billing menu (G1512).

You do not have to complete all of the tasks that you can access from the New Manual Billings form; however, the tasks that you select must be performed in this sequence:

  1. To revise the manual billing record that you entered, click the Review and Change Manual Billing button.

  2. If you do not have to make revisions, click the Generate Billings Register button to prepare the batch for posting.

  3. After you generate the billings register, click either the Post Invoice Batch to Update G/L button or the Post Voucher Batch to Update G/L button.