
1. Batch Number to Process

Specify the batch number to use when the system runs the E.P. Batch Adjustments Audit report (R1539).

2. Common Adjustment Detail

Specify whether to print common adjustment information on the report. Values are:

Blank: Print.

1: Do not print.

3. Adjustment Factor Detail

Specify whether to print adjustment factor information on the report. Values are:

Blank: Print.

1: Do not print.

4. Account Adjustment Detail

Specify whether to print account adjustment on the report. Values are:

Blank: Print.

1: Do not print.

5. Account Exclusion Detail

Specify whether to print account exclusion information on the report. Values are:

Blank: Print.

1: Do not print.

6. Class Adjustment (1) Detail

Specify whether to print class adjustment information on the report when the adjustment is calculated before the administration fee. Values are:

Blank: Print.

1: Do not print.

7. Class Adjustment (2) Detail

Specify whether to print class adjustment information on the report when the adjustment is calculated before the administration fee. Values are:

Blank: Print.

1: Do not print.