
1. Zero Balance or Credit Balances

Specify whether to print invoices that have a zero or credit balance. Values are:

Blank: Print.

1: Do not print.

2. First Invoice Reference Number

Specify whether to print the invoice reference number of the first invoice on the header portion of the form, beneath the page number. Values are:

Blank: Do not print.

1: Print.

3. Invoice Attachments

Specify whether to print attachment information on the invoice. Values are:

Blank: Print.

1: Do not print.

4. Tax Amounts

Specify whether to print tax amounts in a separate column on the invoice. Values are:

Blank: Do not print.

1: Print.

5. Invoice From Address

Specify which address to print as the from address on the invoice. The system retrieves the value from the corresponding field of the building record in the Business Unit Master table (F0006). The system prints the from-address that is specified only when the value is different from the remit-to address. Values are:

Blank: Company address.

1: Facility address.

2: Remit-to address.

6. Additional Invoice Text

Specify any additional text to print on each invoice.