
1. Copy Log Standards

Specify whether to automatically copy the log standards to the unit logs when you add a unit. Values are:

Blank: Automatically copy.

1: Do not automatically copy. You can manually copy the log standards after you set up the unit, or add the appropriate log lines individually

Note: If a log line in the standard is designated as required (the RS field is set to Y), you cannot delete the line from the model or change the information in the corresponding LC,AM,ID, or UM field. To change the log line, you must set the Required Standards Protection processing option for the Unit Information program to blank (do not protect), and then remove the Y from the RS field on the appropriate log standard.
2. Search Area Type

Specify the area type from the F1510B table to use as the default search criteria for the Unit Size and Thru fields in the header portion of the Work with Units form. The system completes the unlabeled field (ARTY) to the right of the Thru field with the value that is specified. Values are:

Blank: Use the value from the Alternate Area Type processing option.

1: Rentable Area Type field (RNAT).

2: Usable Area Type field (USAT).

Note: The system displays both the Rentable Area and Usable Area columns in the detail area of the form regardless of the setting of this processing option. To display an additional area type, leave this processing option blank and complete the Alternate Area Type processing option.

If both area type processing options are blank, the system uses the value from the Rentable Area Type field (RNAT) from the F1510B.

3. Alternate Area Type

Specify an area type other than rentable and usable to use as search criteria for the Unit Size and Thru fields in the header portion of the Work with Units form. The system completes the Unlabeled field (ARTY) to the right of the Thru field with the value that is specified, and adds a column in the detail area to display the area. The value that you enter must exist in UDC table 15/AR.

The system ignores this processing option if the Search Area Type processing option has a value. If both area type processing options are blank, the system uses the value from the Rentable Area Type field (RNAT) from the F1510B table.

4. Option Log Classes

Specify the log classes for which you want the system to provide a visual queue if they have been assigned to the unit. The system displays the letter O in the OP field on the Work with Units form if a log classes that you enter has been assigned to the unit. If the lease, to which the unit is assigned, is speculative, the system displays the letter S instead of O.

5. Copy Area Master

Specify whether to automatically copy the F1514 records to the new unit when you select Copy on the Work With Units form to add a unit. Values are:

Blank: Automatically copy the Area Master records from the selected unit to the unit that is copied.

1: Do not copy. Area values must be manually entered for the new unit.

Note: This processing option applies only when you use the Copy feature; it does not apply when a unit is manually added.