
1. Select Area Type

Specify the area type that the system uses to calculate the sales per square foot amount that appears on the Monthly Sales Area form. The system retrieves this area type from the Real Estate Management Constants table (F1510B). Values are:

Blank: Use the value from the Alternate Area Type processing option.

1: Use the value from the Rentable Area Type field.

2: Use the value from the Usable Area Type field.

If both area-type processing options are blank, the system uses the value from the Rentable Area Type field.

2. Alternate Area Type

Specify a code from UDC 15/AR that specifies the alternate area type. The system uses the area type to calculate the sales per square foot. The system ignores this processing option if you enter a value in the Select Area Type processing option.

3. Gross Leasable Area (GLA) Retrieval

Specify which day of the month to retrieve the area, which is used to calculate the gross leasable area (GLA). Values are:

Blank: First day of the month.

1: Last day of the month.

4. Sales to Display

Specify the default option to select to display sales amounts on the Sales History Inquiry form. You can override this default option on the form. Values are:

Blank: Actual sales amounts

1: Estimated sales amounts.

2: Actual and estimated sales.