
1. Apply Credit Amounts

Specify whether the system applies credit amounts to invoices that it generates. For the system to apply the credit amount, the transaction must have the same lease number and bill code as the invoice to which it is applied. The system generates a separate receipt batch (batch type RB) for transactions that have applied credits; you must post this batch manually to update the general ledger. Values are:

Blank: Do not apply.

1: Apply.

Note: The system ignores this processing option for tenant batches (batch type /).
2. Type of Credits

Specify the type of credit amounts to apply to the invoice; use this processing option with the Apply Credit Amounts processing option. For the system to apply the credit amount, the transaction must have the same lease number and bill code as the invoice to which it is applied. The system ignores this processing option if the Apply Credit Amounts processing option is blank. Values are:

Blank: Apply only credits from unapplied receipts.

1: Apply all open credits.

Note: The system ignores this processing option for voucher batches (batch type \).
3. Match Credit Date

Specify whether to use an additional date criteria to locate and apply the credit transaction and the type of date. The system uses the date that is specified in addition to the lease number and bill code to locate and apply credit amounts to invoices. Values are:

Blank: Invoice date

1: Due date

2: Service/tax date

3: GL date

4: Do not use a date criteria to apply credits.

Note: The system ignores this processing option for voucher batches (batch type \).
4. Match Building and Unit

Specify whether to use the building number and unit, in addition to the lease number and bill code, as criteria to locate and apply credit transactions to invoices. Values are:

Blank: Use.

1: Do not use.

Note: The system ignores this processing option for voucher batches (batch type /).
5. Straight-Line Rent Summarization

Specify whether to summarize the straight-line rent amounts by revenue account and document number when the system generates the Account Ledger record (F0911). Values are:

Blank: Do not summarize.

1: Summarize.

6. Update Subledger In Account Ledger

Specify the value that the system uses to update the Subledger field on Account Ledger transactions in the F0911 table. The system updates all transactions in the batch based on the value that is specified. Values are:

Blank: Use the subledger value from the Tenant/Lease Billings Detail Master record (F1511B).

1: Use the tenant number.

2: Use the lease number.

3: Use the unit number or asset number.

4: Use the building number as the subledger (Release 9.2 Update).

7. Sales Overage Zero-Net Pay Items

Specify whether to write pay items, which net to zero to the Customer Ledger (F03B11), Accounts Payable Ledger (F0411), and Account Ledger (F0911) tables. This relates particularly to sales overage invoices that do not meet the minimum rent amount; thus, resulting in an invoice amounting to zero. Values are:

Blank: Do not write pay items that net to zero to these tables.

1: Write pay items that net to zero to these tables.