
1. Process Year

Specify the year for which the system generates seasonality. If you leave this processing option blank, the system uses the current year.

2. From Period

Specify the beginning date used to process the Seasonality Generation program (R1547). If you leave this processing option blank, the system processes the report beginning from the current year.

3. Thru Period

Specify the date through which to process the Seasonality Generation program (R1547). If you leave this processing option blank, the system sets the through date to the end of the current year.

4. Process by Building or Property

Specify whether to generate seasonality values by building or project number. Values are:

Blank: Building

1: Project number

5. Generate Default Seasonality Model

Specify whether to generate seasonality values for the default seasonality model. If you generate seasonality values by building (MCU), the default seasonality model does not take all sales for that particular building into consideration. If you generate seasonality values by project, the default seasonality model takes all sales for that particular project into consideration. Values are:

Blank: Do not generate.

1: Generate.

6. Leases to Consider for Generation

Specify whether to calculate seasonality using only comparable leases or both comparable and non-comparable leases. Comparable leases are leases for which the ULI code, building, unit, square footage, doing business as, and tenant have remained unchanged over the year. Furthermore, sales must exist for every period in the year. Values are:

Blank: Comparable leases.

1: Comparable and non-comparable leases.

7. Process Estimated Sales

Specify whether to consider actual sales only, or both actual and estimated sales, when you run the Seasonality Generation program (R1547). Values are:

Blank: Actual sales.

1: Actual and estimated sales.

8. Area Type

Specify the area type that the system retrieves from the Real Estate Management Constants table (F1510B) to use to calculate seasonality values. Values are:

Blank: Use the value from the Alternate Area Type processing option.

1:Rentable Area Type field (RNAT).

2:Usable Area Type field (USAT).

If both area-type processing options are blank, the system uses the value from the Rentable Area Type field (RNAT).

9. Alternate Area Type

Specify a user-defined code from UDC table 15/AR that identifies the area type.