
1. Display Tax Fields
Note: If you set the Display Tax Fields processing option to suppress tax fields, then the system does not retrieve the alternate tax rate/area even if the functionality is enabled for the company.

Specify whether to display the Tax Explanation Code and Tax Rate/Area fields on the Sales Information Revisions form. Values are:

Blank: Use the setting of the Tax Suppress option in the Real Estate Management Constants table (F1510B) to determine whether to display the tax fields.

0: Display the fields. If you select this option, the system ignores the setting of the Tax Suppress option in the Real Estate Management Constants table (F1510B).

1: Do not display the fields. If you select this option, the system ignores the setting of the Tax Suppress option in the Real Estate Management Constants table (F1510B).

2. Date Edits Against the Lease Master

Specify whether the system validates sales overage entries against the beginning and ending dates of the lease. Values are:

Blank: Do not validate. The system accepts all sales overage entries regardless of the beginning and ending dates entered.

1: Validate. The system validates that the beginning and ending dates entered for the sales overage entry occur within the beginning and ending date range of the lease.

3. Populate Area Automatically

Specify whether the system updates the Area field (SUSA) on the Sales Information Revisions form with the rentable or usable area from the Lease Master Detail table (F15017). You can override the default value. Values are:

Blank: Do not update the Area field.

1: Update the Area field with the rentable area.

2: Update the Area field with the usable area.