
1. Unit Detail Information

Specify whether to include the unit detail information on the report. Values are:

Blank: Do not include unit information.

1: Include detailed unit information.

2: Include summarized unit information.

2. Lease Log Information

Specify whether to include the lease log information on the report. Values are:

Blank: Do not include log line information on the report.

1: Include detailed log information.

2: Include summarized log information.

3. Log Class Selection

Select specific log classes for processing. This option lets you restrict the log classes that print on this report. You can enter up to five log classes, and only log lines with those log classes are included on the report.

If you leave this processing option blank, the system prints all log classes.

4. Legal Clause Information

Specify how the system includes legal clause information on the report. Values are:

Blank: Do not include legal clause information on the report.

1: Include detailed legal clause information.

2: Include summarized legal clause information.

5. Related Legal Clause Information

Specify the tables from which the system prints related legal clause information on the report. Values are:

Blank: Print related legal clause information from the Legal Clause table (F1570) only.

1: Print related legal clause information from these tables:

Legal Clause Options Audit (F15701)

Legal Clause Space Detail (F15702)

Legal Clause Space Detail Audit (F157021)

Legal Clause Amounts (F15703)

6. Recurring Billing Information

Specify whether to include the recurring billing information on the report. Values are:

Blank: Do not include recurring billing information.

1: Include detailed recurring billing information.

2: Include summarized recurring billing information.

7. Select or Omit Bill Codes

Specify the records to include on the report based on bill code; use this processing option with the bill code processing options. Values are:

Blank: Include all records on the report.

1: Include only the records for the bill codes specified in the processing options.

2: Omit the records for the bill codes specified in the processing options. The system selects records for all other bill codes.

8. Expense Participation Information

Specify whether to include the expense participation information on the report. Values are:

Blank: Do not include expense participation information.

1: Include detailed expense participation information.

2: Include summarized expense participation information.

9. Sales Overage Information

Specify whether to include the sales overage information on the report. Values are:

Blank: Do not include sales overage information on the report.

1: Include detailed sales overage information on the report.

2: Include summarized sales overage information on the report.

10. Escalation Information

Specify whether to print the escalation information on the report. Values are:

Blank: Do not include escalation information.

1: Include detailed escalation information.

2: Include summarized escalation information.

11. Search Default for Lease Version

Specify the lease versions to display on the report. Values are:

Blank: The system prints all versions.

1: The system prints information for the version of the lease with the latest (future) effective date. For example, if today's date is June 30, 2007, and the lease has two versions dated January 1, 2007 and October 1, 2007, respectively, the system prints information for the version dated October 1, 2007.

2: The system prints information for the version of the lease that is effective as of the system date.

Note: If you do not set up versioning in the Real Estate Management Constants table (F1510B), the system ignores this processing option.